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Kate Williams

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Poetry & literacy resources by published children's poet. I also lead poetry workshops for UK primary schools. Website: katewilliamspoet.com Book news - Squeak! Squawk! Roar! Animal poems - out 9th January '25. Publisher: Otter-Barry Books.




Poetry & literacy resources by published children's poet. I also lead poetry workshops for UK primary schools. Website: katewilliamspoet.com Book news - Squeak! Squawk! Roar! Animal poems - out 9th January '25. Publisher: Otter-Barry Books.
Under the Sea Poem Frame + Example, Y2-4

Under the Sea Poem Frame + Example, Y2-4

This intriguingly illustrated sheet sets children dreaming, and the simple line starters prompt them to think up words for their thoughts. Extra-keen writers can add further description about the sea - and anything else related - on the wavy lines below. An example version, showing just one of the infinite ways the poem could be written, is supplied on a separate sheet. Easier versions also available, same price. Prepare your class by studying and discussing sea flora and fauna, treasure and detritus, mythical creatures and characters, and sounds, shapes and colours, too. Consider caves, sand and rocks, the rusty remains of ancient shipwrecks, picnic items washed away, bubbles, echoes - all sorts! Build up banks of describing words, imagery, action words and onomatopoeias as you go, but informally, keeping the atmosphere as free as the sea. Alliteration might crop up too (e.g. shimmery and shiny), but let individual creativity flow. SEE ALSO - TREASURE MAP alliteration game (popular) - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395 .
Simple Writing + Colouring - Wildlife

Simple Writing + Colouring - Wildlife

7 Resources
7 simple writing and colouring sheets, focused on UK wildlife - robin, butterfly, ladybird, squirrel, hedgehog, frog + rabbit. One writing line per sheet, with space for 1, 2 or a few words to complete a simple phrase. Promotes literacy (phonics, handwriting, expressive language, language structure), fine motor control, colour and pattern sense, and an understanding and appreciation of nature.
Sea similes poem frame, illustrated

Sea similes poem frame, illustrated

Sea similes and free style creative writing are invited on this wavy-sea picture poem, entitled “Summer’s Day Sea”. Children in my workshops are keen to write on the waves, thinking up their own similes for the sea and sand, and details to follow ‘It goes…’ and ‘You may find…’ IDEAS: The sea might be as blue as the fresh, summer sky, as refreshing as a dripping, mouthwatering, mint ice lolly, and as lacy as a bride’s frilly wedding dress. Or it might be as curly as hair rollers, as fun as your dream birthday party, or as reflecting as a gleaming, polished mirror. Perhaps start children off with similes for sparkly, e.g. as a whirl of precious diamonds, as silver glitter on a Christmas card, or as the twinkling stars in the night sky. SEE ALSO Stormy Sea simile sheet:**** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/stormy-sea-poetry-frame-guide-12043779**** and Treasure Map alliteration fun: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395 - both very popular!
Recipe for a Night Sky - poem to read

Recipe for a Night Sky - poem to read

Recipe for a Night Sky is a published poem by this author, offered here as a source of inspiration and example of a recipe poem. Supports Halloween celebrations as well as poetry appreciation, reading and writing. Published in ‘The School Magazine’, Australia. Copyright Kate Williams, author of this catalogue.
Rhyme - I am an alien!

Rhyme - I am an alien!

This funny, lively space rhyme supports all-round literacy. It’s simple, four-line verse can be varied to allow for different ideas, and each can be enacted or expressed with gestures, sounds or mime. Children will enjoy its catchy rhythm and be interested in the rhyme (space/face), also finding the tone cheerful and humorous. The resource offers embellishment for space topics, too, and encourages physical movement and expression. The tips below the rhyme include handy prompts for enacting, line by line, and also for eliciting alternative alien features. Using a simple, familiar tune, this verse could also be set to music.
Haiku frames - Trees

Haiku frames - Trees

Poetry in haiku form, with trees as the theme, is taught here with an introduction to haiku and six examples to complete. Tips for preparation are also given. Trees are familiar to all children, but each child will bring their own experiences, observations, thoughts and feelings to their writing. Trees are fascinating things, providing us with a wealth of glories, services and vital resources. They offer ever-varying colours, shapes, sounds, expressions, silhouettes, textures, fruits, flowers, leaf patterns, and more. They mark the seasons for us, offering summer shade and winter shelter; they inspire us with their noble, statuesque figures against the ever-changing sky; they house wildlife, secure and enrich the soil, and feed the atmosphere with vital elements. Yet around the world, they are being chopped down and uprooted. What will your children decide to say about them, and how, in their 17 syllables? Recommended for upper juniors and higher. 1 A4 page, black and white. Includes 3 haiku frames with gaps to fill, and 3 starter lines/phrases.
Pirate Treasure + Shipwreck - Describing-Words List

Pirate Treasure + Shipwreck - Describing-Words List

Pirate treasure from the sea bed could be beautiful, mouldy or smashed to bits. It could be flamboyant or faded, delicate or dangerous, and you might find it floating and drifting or submerged and water-logged. It’ll probably be secret, too - stolen, smuggled and concealed. All these words and many more are listed in this mind-stretching word bank. Either read out from it yourself or copy and distribute it around your class, for selecting and trying out, or to trigger other ideas. Encourage some of these words in conversation too. VIDEO SUPPORT: me reading my published poem, ‘Treasure Chest Mystery’ - details on my website, poemsforfun.wordpress.com : https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMarEm9uVBDEGPTykSlkAfT6jdVArKlPen6X5lk1le7dqUc89gEztNjSO7V6qsxUQ?key=X0hIWmdaV1M0Q2lHYURKbDdIVFFPMTVBTWRUdkhn SEE ALSO: **Under the Sea **poem frame: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/under-the-sea-poem-frame-example-y2-4-11922054 , Seabed Rhymes Y2-4: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/-seabed-rhymes-fun-rhyming-couplet-frames-ks2-11892578 . Seabed Mystery Poem Frame KS2: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/seabed-mystery-poem-frame-ks2-guide-11892739 and Treasure Map alliteration game: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395
Minibeasts Colouring Sheet

Minibeasts Colouring Sheet

Young children will enjoy colouring in this lively natural scene, and identifying insects and other crawly creatures as they work. They will develop colour awareness, fine motor skills and an understanding of the minibeasts and their natural environment, as they bring the picture alive with their own creative input.
School Pond - Creative Writing Sheet + Guide, Yrs 2-4

School Pond - Creative Writing Sheet + Guide, Yrs 2-4

If your school has a pond, this picture-poem sheet will provide an excellent way of motivating your class to take an interest in it, while stretching their language and creative skills as well. Children will love writing describing words on the pond itself, and expressing their thoughts about it around the picture. The accompanying guide sheet offers ideas for each section to support discussion and prompting, as needed. This resource supports English, biology, animal and nature studies, outdoor learning opportunities, and celebrations of the school. Best for Years 2-4, able Yr 1 pupils and under-achieving older ones; also as a warm-up sheet for independent writing of poetry, stories or description at all junior levels.
Moody Monster Writing

Moody Monster Writing

Supports Literacy, PSHE, mental wellbeing and physical exercise, as well as poetry, drama and all-round creative expression. This is a fun writing challenge, involving similes and action words, with scope for enrichment. A monster (s/he) can be any sort you like, with three heads and two tails perhaps, and this one has moods - happy, cross, excited, ?.. How does a monster behave when cross? Do they charge around the monster school, stamping on books like an angry giant? When happy, does s/he glide like an angel, or perform back-flips like a gymnast? The warm-up actions sheet will spur extended ideas. Hand-sketched illustrations. SEE MY SEA-MONSTER FOOD sheet too!
Shell words to read (8)

Shell words to read (8)

Reading/sounding out + learning about shells, seaside, nature and more. Eight describing words for shells for young readers (Reception - Y2), big, bright and clear, around a colourful photo of shells on beach. Words: shells, hard, curly, dry, shiny, hollow, sandy, wet. Help children turn sheet to read the words. Watch my video on seaside shells: https://photos.app.goo.gl/wkeZ8K6iCfcFQneZ9 See my other seaside and phonics resources too.
My Alien - colouring picture

My Alien - colouring picture

Crazy space alien to colour in. Drawn freehand, this whirly, twirly, crazy creature is waiting to leap to life with the first touch of colour. The resource supports Space studies at all primary levels, also serving for pencil control practice, colour sense development and expressive arts and design material. Development tip: after colouring, suggest children design their own alien, then describe it in words. See my many other space-themed creative resources too.
Banana Poem, Illustrated

Banana Poem, Illustrated

Healthy eating poem, with fun, celebrating bananas. This fun, snappy little rhyme is presented attractively over a photo of bananas in a bowl. The writing is in a curve, just like the fruits! Poem and photo are both by this author, Kate Williams. See also my other healthy eating resources.
Autumn Leaf Colours - Picture Poem Sheet

Autumn Leaf Colours - Picture Poem Sheet

Autumn leaves to write in and colour, with similes invited - as red as, as yellow as, as gold as, etc. 5 leaf similes to complete + a line of description. Recommended for Yrs 2-5 approx. Inspiring, fun, calming, nature-themed poetry and art resource. See also my other Autumn Leaves sheets.
Rocket Colouring Sheet

Rocket Colouring Sheet

This space rocket is shooting through a busy part of space, with planets, stars, sun, moon and a shooting star around it. Its three windows show an astronaut waving, a curtained window and one with a dog looking out. It’s a picture full of fun, inspiration, and interesting shapes to colour.
Poem - Rainbow Glow (by author, published)

Poem - Rainbow Glow (by author, published)

This rainbow poem of mine has been published by The School Magazine, Australia. It describes the varied, characterful colours of the rainbow, with a brief, rhyming word or phrase for each, summing up its character. Calming end, celebrating the beautiful merging and curving of the colours over the land. Picture and coloured border.
Stormy Sea Poetry Frame + Guide

Stormy Sea Poetry Frame + Guide

This guided **‘Stormy Sea’ writing sheet is an exciting! With video How-to. Children love writing their simile ideas for a stormy sea on these wavy lines, as confirmed time and again in my Stormy Sea poetry sessions. Suggestions for teacher introduction and prompts are given in the accompanying guide sheet. the repeated phrase - The sea went… is followed by a wavy line for action words and description (rolling, roaring, wildly charging like an angry beast on the loose?). The poem ends calmly, inviting a simile for a peaceful sea. Yrs 3-6. **SEE ALSO - ** TREASURE MAP alliteration game - https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/treasure-map-alliteration-game-yr1-6-guide-for-use-11887395 (popular) PLUS - SEA SIMILES (summer sea) -** https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/sea-similes-poem-frame-illustrated-12100413** .
Jungle, Jungle - Simple, 4-Verse Rhyme

Jungle, Jungle - Simple, 4-Verse Rhyme

This FREE resource is a fun and simple rhyme to chant, clap and enact with your young class. Its words will inform, thrill, amuse and inspire, also spurring creative responses through physical actions and sounds. The punchy verses evoke the vastness of the jungle, its varied flora and fauna, its vibrancy, mystery danger, with warnings of tails, wings, bites, stings, a swinging monkey and a springing tiger. Tips for use and development are provided below the four rhyming couplets. See my other jungle resources too, sprinkled through my catalogue.
Magic Spells - wish-writing frames, rhyming

Magic Spells - wish-writing frames, rhyming

Halloween fun! A sheet of magic spell rhyming couplets to complete - all guided towards happy, innocent wishes. Four couplet frames + two blank lines for an independent one. Example: Wind, rain, snow and sun - Let today be __ and fun! PS: See my new Poetry How-To Videos, featuring Fireworks, Dragons & Space - so far: Kate Williams - YouTube
Jungle Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Jungle Writing + Colouring Sheet - 1 line

Young children will enjoy picking an item or more from this exciting jungle scene to complete the given phrase below - I can see…, sounding out the word and having a go at writing it. If help is needed in getting started, help children identify and select an item from the picture (e.g. tiger, flower, spider), and clarify the first sound and letter. Able writers could add a describing word or extra items. Colouring could be presented as a reward for the writing effort. This resource promotes an understanding of the natural world, including plants, animals and mini-beasts, and the concept of jungle or rain forest, supporting related studies. It also promotes literacy, fine motor control, colour sense, shape and pattern appreciation, and more. See my other wildlife writing + colouring sheets for a variety.